
 Gambling with Constitution - 02/12/2016

Leyla Kabalı
Recent politics- in Turket,- have a new mode..Especially , akp dominates a new constitutional order..
it is a very wellknown and old fashion "cıty legend" ,that " Turkey needs an urgent new constitution"..
According to the rumours of the government and their supporters, only and emergent problem of Türkish policy is a new constitution..
Last Constitutional changes -which demonstrated as a medicin against juristocracy-brought Türkish legal system, near the cliff..
Nowadays, a new challange against constitution, partnership of akp and mhp, shaking the state throughout the presidentiel system,.
asserting that, as faster and stronger excutif function..
After that, who can estimate and how,
Judical corruption of the legal system. and , plus.ıf so, probabalite of the mal fonctioning of constitutional system, relevant execution,. ..
So, cheap political accounts result more expensif costs about politic expectations and all the constitutional system, changes as before dated 2010..

Leyla Kabalı


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